Geotechnical Studies
Kweneng Geotechnical Engineering services cover civil engineering infrastructure, mine geotechnical investigations, underground rock mechanics and pit slope stability.
• Dolomite stability investigations and risk management
• Rock Engineering
• DPSH and SPT Testing
Kweneng conducts all its geotechnical work in accordance with National Standards i.e. South African National Standard 633. 2012. Geotechnical Investigations for Township Development. Soil profiling and rotary percussion borehole logging on dolomite land in Southern Africa for engineering purposes and SANS 10400H -Foundations.
Engineering Geological site investigation are undertaken in accordance to published Site Investigation Code of Practice, The Geotechnical Division of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE), 2008. Services include:
1. Rock and soil description utilising current standard of practice publish by Brink & Bruin, 2002
2. Geotechnical site investigation utilising: DPSH, DCP, TLB &Excavator, Diamond core & Percussion drilling rigs
3. Site geology and mapping including soil and rock sampling and laboratory testing
4. Peer review by reputable professional in the industry.